Tuesday 30 November 2010


This is a very rough plan for our thriller opening, we will not necessarily be using all of these shots and ideas, but hopefully it will give us a basis from which to work from.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Film Synopsis

The film opens with our main character Alex, a nomal student walking home, his usual route goes past the phone box, but today is far from usual, the phone box rings, hesitant at first he walks over and cautiously answers, all he can hear is brething from the other end. He gives up andputs the phone donw. For the rest of the night e doent giveit a second tought, assuming its just some kids prank calling. It's a gloomy night. As alex walks home he listens to his music, oblivious to the fact that he's big watched.

As he walks home the night becomes darker until it's pitch blck, but he gets gome to find the door open.This doesn't phase Alex as he realises his parents have probably just left the door open so he thinks nothing of it. He takes is coat and shoes off and walks upstairs at the precise moment a masked figure appears at the window. He goes upstairs to pour himself a glass of water, leaving the tap running he walks across the landing, the light flickers quickly on and off bringing thr masked figure into view. he climbs into bed and goes to sleep. He is then woken up later by his phone ringing, again he thinks nothing of no-one being on the other end. He goes back to sleep only to be woken up by he light rapidly flickering on and off and standing opposite him the masked character wielding an axe. (This is our three minute thriller opening, and now this is  vague outline fo the rest ofthe movie)

Alex is captured after a struggle in his house, he has a broken leg. He is bound and gagged and trown into the back of a truck. He travels for hours and finally comes to a stop. He is thrown into a small cell like room. He is questioned for days. None of the questions ever make sense. They are in the same lnguage but mean nothing to him. After a few days there is noise. He is grabbed again, leg still broken he is dragged across the floor and outside into the burning sunlight. He blacks out.

He wakes up to a nurse standing over him. After a few days of recovery he is sat down in front of the police. They need his help to raid the main base of the people who captured him, the are people known as the resistance Alex, is told to compare this to the antagonists in Fight Club. The reason they need Alex is because he should know the layout of the base. He claims to know nothing but the people say they can access his subconcious to find any thoughts. As he agrees they take him to a room and strap him in the chair, they anesthatise him.

He wakes up to the seemingly startled faces of the scientists. "Did you find anything?" Alex asks."Yes, but not what we were hoping for" he replies. "Oh?" "Yes, it would seem that we found out the leader of the group, which may help us just as much" "And?" "It's you..."

Kerrang - Target Audience

The target audience of Kerrang is a younger generation of between 15-20 years. and of people who have an interest in rock and metal stylee music.

They appeal to the audience with the use of celebrities (Blink 182) and the articles being about these bands "world exclusive". They also use other bands on the cover of the magazine to increase their target audience.

The font that is used helps target the audience, as it is shattered, this helps imply the stereotypes of this genre, such as destruction and 'rebellion'. The font is also much brighter and in contrast to the images, this helps it stand out.

To give more emphasis to the words, the editors use exclamation marks and words such as 'exclusive' help increase the target audience.

Friday 26 November 2010

Location update:

We plan on having two major locations for our filming. One will be a setting with a phone box, and this will be set in the village of Drayton. The other will be the house scene, and we have chosen Ben Shaw’s house ion Drayton, as we are hoping it will create the effect of filming we are hoping for.

Phone Box Scene: we have chosen this scene to hopefully create a sense of isolation, and it features a phone box which is pivotal to our thriller opening.

House scene: we are hoping that this location will allow suspense to feature throughout as we can use multiple shots in his house. Around bens house there is also a lot of lampposts, and so this also made the location desirable as it is a typical thriller convention.



We have added a new piece of music to be included in our soundtrack, it is called 'piano suspense', and we are hoping it will keep the audience on the edge of their seat because it creates an element of suspense - as it is slow in tempo and eery. This piece of music will appear just after Alex closes the house door, and will finish just before he picks up his mobile phone. 


This is the update of our characters profiles, casting, and the director/Cameraman used:

Thriller update:

We have filmed all of the ending again as we said we would because it wasn't inkeeping with the rest of the film. Also we have added it to the rest of our film along with some new music which will play throughout. This is because we felt it added more suspense to the story, and stopped the film from feeling like it kept starting and stopping. We added the sound of static and a phone off the hook just to emphasize that it was about phones being the antagonists way of select6ing his victims. Also it was a good way of showing the end of the film and it could be possibly be linked to the Alex's life possibly ending.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Final Call – questionnaire

  1.           Do you think that the shots are put together well?
                 (Yes) (No) (Slightly)

    1. Do you think that the costumes are appropriate for the style of film?
      (Yes) (No) (Kind-of)
    1. Do you think the sound track creates suspense?
      (Yes) (No) (Slightly)

      1. Do you think the plot of the film is good?
        (Yes) (No)

      1. Did you enjoy the thriller film you have just watched?
        (Yes) (No) (It was alright)

      1. Would you watch the rest of this thriller film from what you have seen so far?
        (Yes) (No)

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Question eval

Inside this document are the questions we asked, the answers we received, and some evaluation points:


Opening scene

Alex walking, alone, past the telephone box. (Approx. 15 seconds long)

Phone ringing (Approx. 5 seconds long)

Phone answered by Alex (Approx 10 seconds long)

Hanging up, Ed seen in background (Approx 10 seconds long)

Entering the house

Alex walking towards the house (Approx. 15 seconds long)

Alex entering the house, Ed seen in background (Approx. 10 seconds long)

Alex walking inside into the living room (Approx. 10 seconds long)

Final scene

Alex walking upstairs and into the bathroom, Tom seen in background (approx. 15 seconds long)

Alex entering bedroom, and going into bed (Approx. 10 seconds long)

Phone ringing, and then answered (Approx. 10 seconds long)

Phone hung up, Tom seen in background by light flickering (Approx. 15 seconds long)

Total Approx 120 seconds long

Sunday 21 November 2010


we will be uploading our questions from our questionaire tomorrow along with the results.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Preliminary Project "Appleicious"

Ed Brown's Media Studies Blog: Preliminary Project "Appleicious": "This is our preliminary project called Appleicious, one hungry teacher goes to find his lunch, we tried to use as many different types of sh..."

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Changes To Filming

We have decided to only have two bad characters in our film, the reason being that we feel it will allow Ben to focus on the directing of our film, and make the film feel more personal between Alex and the bad characters (Tom and Ed) . We have also given Tom a Tomahawk to use in the thriller opening, to connotate violence, and create an element of fear and death.  However Ed and Alex's costumes have stayed the same.

With the digetic sound in the film we have chosen to only have Alex speaking and not any of the Bad characters. What we hope this will do is create mystery and suspense within the opening sequence, and hopefully keep the audience on the edge of their seat.

In the opening sequence we have also included more varied shots, such as close up shots, that we are hoping will enhance the audiences appreciation for this film opening.

See full size image

Thursday 4 November 2010

Similar Products:

Phone Booth:

We have decided to use this as a style model for our film as, like ours, the confined space in a phone booth represents vulnerability. The opening of 'phone booth' os similar to our opening as a character hears the phone ring, and decides to answer it. The characters in both films don't think of anything once they hear a voice, but they are soon met by feelings of fear and helplessness.

The Strangers:

We have used this trailer as a style model as the scenes when we can see a 'stranger' in the background it is similar to the ideas which we have used. The 'stranger' in the background stands very still, and watches and waits. We have used this idea as it creates a lot of tension and also creates a lot of fear. 

The Strangers:

Phone Booth trailer:

Phone booth trailer:

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