Sunday 31 October 2010


Here is a section on why we chose the music that we are using:

Equipment list

Here is the equipment we shall be using:


These are the costumes our characters will be wearing, and the props that they will be using:

Thursday 21 October 2010

Location - Phone Box

My group of Me, Ed, Tom and Ben have each been assigned a task to write about. My task is location. We have chosen to film in Thorpe Marriott as it is fairly local, especially for Me, Alex and Ben. We know the area well and we know that we can make the most of the surroundings.

Our opening will be filmed in Thorpe Marriott, and we will be using the telephone box located next to the local park. Our main character will be seen inside the telephone box and the evil character will be seen in the background, across the road standing next to a tree.,+Norwich&sll=52.686772,1.211813&sspn=0.006946,0.021136&ie=UTF8&hq=Thorpe+Marriott+Post+Office,&hnear=Norwich,+Norfolk,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.686646,1.211908&spn=0,0.021136&z=16&layer=c&cbll=52.686772,1.211813&panoid=zz2L1rgIJrBkTZ3Q4wX0Qg&cbp=12,343.12,,0,7.86

If you follow this link then you will see the location of the phone box. We are planning to have Ed standing on the left side of the road, which will mean that he will be in the background of the shot. The location of the phone box is perfect as it is on a long road, so we can film Alex walking down towards the phone box, and this will make the audience feel isolated as there will be little people around.

Our character will then be filmed walking towards his house and we will film some parts of his journey. Some of the places which our character will be seen walking is down Marriots Way, Pendlesham Rise and Kingswood Avenue, all in Thorpe Marriott.

Our character will then approach his house. The house we are using is Ben Shaws house, which is located in Drayton. Our character will then enter the house
and we will shoot some footage of him in some of the rooms of the house. The final scene of our film will be in Ben's house.

Monday 4 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

My group and I have learnt a lot throughout this whole experience. One of the things that we have learnt is that it is better to cut a scene with a person or object in a certain shape, so as to aid the editing faze when we need to join scenes. Another thing that we have learnt is that we should try and complete are filming before looking back at the footage, as we did this and found problems during the editing faze of finding certain scenes. We also learnt that we should film each part of the scene in order from which it will appear in the footage.
When we started to use the apple computers, as a group we were not to confident because none of us had ever used an apple before. But as we started the editing faze we quickly understood how the computer worked and we now feel confident in using it.
As a group we also understood the different ways in which we should use the camera, such as placement. We also effectively used the tripod with ease as it allowed us to use varying shots, such as tracking shots, without the camera moving in any way.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Note's on openings to films

Book of Eli (2009) -

The opening scene is a desolate/barren landscape, which hints at the isolation that the main character will have in this film, isolation is also shown through the use of digetic sound, such as the whistling of wind. Death is also portrayed in the landscape, this is done by showing the little growth that there is on all of the trees. Another way that death and violence has been shown in this opening sequence is by the audience viewing a corpse on the ground with a gun lying nearby.

Non-digetic sound is used in the opening sequence to create suspense, an example of this is the slow and continuous use of a very deep sounding music. A shot that is used to portray 'watching' that is often used in thriller film's is a POV shot.

Brick (2006) -

Sound is widely used in this opening sequence to show many conventions of a typicla thriller opening. One of these ways is the dialogue of the characters, this is because the voices in this sequence become more and more desperate as time elapses. Sound also creates the feeling of the main character being watched, this is shown in a phone call with no one in sight of the main character, "nice to see you".

Running water is used in one of the opening shots to show the life draining away of one of the characters. Isolation is also commonly used, this is shown by the main character not coming into physical contact with anybody during the opening sequence. A very interesting moment that occurs towards the end of the opening is when a cigarette is droped, and a close up shot of the cigarette is shown, this could possibly represent danger in the film, as cigarettes are ofetn shown as rebellious.

Gothika (2003) -

POV shots are widely used in this sequence, this is done to show the emotion on the faces of the two characters, it also creates suspense as the audience feels directly involved. Many shots also viewed the characters from behind barred walls, which indicates the violence of one of the charcters, and the film in general. The criminal is portrayed as psychotic through the use of dialogue that they use, "cut his Adams apple in half like a piece of fruit". Mystery is also shown in the film, this is done by the criminal believeing that what they are saying is true, whilst the interviewer appears to dismiss the criminals claims as if they were lies, this creates mystery and suspense.